📃 Publications

Domestic Conference

템플릿 모델 변형을 통한 환자 맞춤형 척추 모델링
2015 KSIIM Workshop (2015년도 대한의학영상정보학회 학술대회)
pp. 128-129


Uitae KimJinah Park

International Conference

3D Computational Position Analysis based on the Articular Surface of Tarsal Bone: A Preliminary Study
AOFAS Annual Meeting 2015


Dong Yeon LeeTaeho KimSang Gyo SeoEo jin KimWoo-chun LeeKeith WapnerJinah Park


Method and apparatus for building the shape correspondence between 3D volume images using a deformable surface model (템플릿 모델을 이용한 3차원 볼륨 영상 간 형상 대응성 구축 방법 및 장치)
출원번호 10-2015-0095439


Jinah ParkJaeil Kim

Domestic Journal

Real-time Simulation of Seas and Swells for Ship Maneuvering Simulators (선박운항 시뮬레이터를 위한 풍파와 너울의 실시간 시뮬레이션)
Journal of KIISE (정보과학회논문지)
Vol 42,No 7,pp. 846-851


Sekil ParkJae-Yong OhJinah Park

Domestic Conference

Fracture Toughness Evaluation Technique for Real-Time Bone Cutting Simulation (실시간 뼈 절삭 시뮬레이션을 위한 파괴인성 평가 기법)
KCC 2015 (한국정보과학회 2015 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회)
pp. 1318-1320


Kimin KimJinah Park

International Journal

Hippocampal Shape Modeling Based on a Progressive Template Surface Deformation and its Verification
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Vol 34,Issue 6,pp. 1242-1261


Jaeil KimMaria del C. Valdés HernándezNatalie A. RoyleJinah Park

Domestic Conference

Quantitative Assessment System for Upper Limb Disorders using Generic Haptic Devices and a Pulley Metaphor (햅틱 장치와 도르래 메타포를 이용한 상지 운동장애의 정량적 평가 기법 제안)
2015 제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집
Vol 2015,pp. 65-66


Youngju OhSeokyeol KimJinah Park

Domestic Journal

A Review on the Visualization Plan of Ocean Waves for Ship Maneuvering Simulator (선박운항 시뮬레이터를 위한 해양파 가시화 방안 고찰)
Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety (해양환경안전학회지)
Vol 21,No 2,pp. 215-222


Sekil ParkJae-Yong OhJinah Park

Domestic Conference

A Haptic Interface Framework for Sensing Movement Behavior from Existing Application Contents
2nd Korea-Europe Workshop on Biomedical Informatics and Natural Language Processing


Deok Jae SongJin Ah Park

International Conference

A SPH-based Dissolution Behavior Model for Real-time Fluid-Solid Interaction
SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 (Poster)


Seokyeol KimJinah Park