📰 News in 2004

December 29, 2004

We had a year-end party with CBio Lab and HCI Lab.

December 15, 2004

Sekil Park attended the 8th meeting of Society for the 3D Medical Image Research held in SNUBH.

December 01, 2004

Heung Sik Kang (President of SNUBH) gave a talk on 'Application of Imaging and Information Technology in Medicine' at the 6th 'University Hour' held in Supex Hall, ICU.

December 01, 2004

The paper titled "The Real-Time Haptic Simulation of a Biomedical Volumetric Object with Shape-retaining Chain Linked Model" by Sang-Youn Kim, Jinah Park and Dong-Soo Kwon was accepted for publication at IEICE transaction on information and systems.

November 30, 2004

The paper titled "Smart Architectural Surfaces: Modularized Platform for Polymorphic Functional Changes and Multimodal Interactions" written by Seongju Chang, Hyoungjin Kim, Jaedo Jung, Youngjai Kim and Manjai Lee was presented at ICAT 2004, the 14th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistance, COEX, Seoul, Korea.

November 29, 2004

Prof. Park, Jinah Kim and Sekil Park attended a seminar on "Virtual Colonoscopy" by Arie E. Kaufman (Department of Computer Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook) held in KAIST.

November 25 ~ 26, 2004

Seunghwan Lee exhibited his work on the "3D cyber campus tour" supervised by Prof. Park at Undergraduate Project Exhibition held in Lecture Wing Lobby, ICU.

November 02, 2004

CGV Lab Logo is born. Thank you Hyungjin for your contribution!

November 01, 2004

The paper by Sang-Youn Kim, Jinah Park and Dong-Soo Kwon, "Real-time Haptic Rendering of a High-resolution Volumetric Deformable Object in Collaborative Virtual Environment," was accepted for publication at Advanced Robotics.

October 06, 2004

Prof. Park gave an invited talk on "Medical Image Visualization and Simulation" at the Korea Supercomputing Workshop 2004 (KISTI).

October 6 ~ 8, 2004

Hyungjin attended Pacific Graphics 2004 held in Seoul.

September 3 ~ 5, 2004

Hyoungjin Kim attended the Digital Animation Technology Seminar & Workshop, which was led by animators and developers from PDI/Dreamworks, at Kookmin University.

September 01, 2004

Hye-Min Chung entered MIT Media Lab to pursue a master's degree.

August 24 ~ 26, 2004

Jinah Kim, Sekil Park and Hyoungjin Kim took part in Maya(AliasWavefront) training course presented by M·One Tech.

August 8 ~ 12, 2004

Prof. Park attended SIGGRAPH 2004 (the 31st International conference on computer graphics and interactive techniques) which was held in Los Angeles, California, USA.

July 14, 2004

Prof. Park made a presentation at the IT ThinkNet Forum on the topic titled "Virtual Reality meets Medicine".

July 02, 2004

Hyoungjin attended NLWCG2004 (National Laboratory Workshop on Computer Graphics) which was held in Seoul. The topic was mainly on the motion animation by the CG lab at KAIST.

July 02, 2004

Prof. Park, Sang-Youn, Sekil, and Hyoungjin participated in the 2nd SIGCG Workshop at Ocean Castle in Ahn-myun-do. We took advantage of the beautiful setting and had the first MT! Jinah Kim could not join us due to an unfortunate accident.

June 17 ~ 18, 2004

Prof. Park attended the International Symposium on Medical Simulation held at CIMIT in Cambridge, MA, USA. She presented the poster titled "Mechanical Representation of Shape-retaining Chain Linked Model for Real-time Haptic Rendering". She also visited Media Lab at MIT.

May 28, 2004

We visited Dept. of Anatomy, Ajou Univ. School of Medicine.

April 01, 2004

Hyoungjin Kim joined CGV Lab.

April 01, 2004

"A Graphics Tool for Curating Molecular Interaction Networks from the Literature" is accepted for publication in Computers in Biology and Medicine.

March 30, 2004

Prof. Park and Jinah Kim attended the seminar on Motion Capture. (Mediawork© )

March 27 ~ 31, 2004

The paper titled "Multiple-Contact Representation for the Real-time Volume Haptic Rendering of a Non-rigid Object" was presented by Sang-Youn Kim (coauthored with Jinah Park, Dong-Soo Kwon) at the 12th Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems (IEEE Virtual Reality 2004) Chicago

March 01, 2004

"Information Visualization with Text Data Mining for Knowledge Discovery Tools in Bioinformatics" was accepted for publication at Key Engineering Materials.

February 27, 2004

Prof. Park gave a special lecture on "Medical Data Visualization" to the IT gifted school students who visited ICU.

February 16 ~ 20, 2004

Jinah Kim and Sekil Park take part in Maya(AliasWavefront) training course at the Shinsegae I&C CG division.

February 16 ~ 18, 2004

The paper titled "Palpation Simulator for Laparoscopic Surgery with Haptic Feedback" was presented by Sang-Youn Kim (coauthored with Jinah Park DS Kwon) at the IASTED Int'l Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2004) Innsbruck, Austria.

February 9 ~ 12, 2004

The paper titled "Data-Oriented Customized Visual Navigation" was presented by Changsu Lee (coauthored with Jinah Park, Jong C Park) at the 13th HCI Conference (Phoenix Park, Korea).

February 02, 2004

Sekil Park joined CGV Lab.

January 01, 2004

The paper titled "Case Study: Visualization and Analysis of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Pathways in the Literature" was presented by Changsu Lee (coauthored with Jinah Park, Jong C Park) at the Int'l Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (SPIE Electronic Imaging), San Jose, USA